Closing Day

The time of day that the deal will close depends on a number of things. For example, if you are buying a home and getting a mortgage, the time of day the deal will close will depend in part on what time the mortgage money arrives. As another example, if you are selling a home, your sale may close later in the day if the buyer may needs to sell his or her existing home in order to have the money to buy your home.


Your deal may close at any time on the day of closing but most deals do not close before lunchtime. It may close as late as 5:00 p.m.


As a general rule, if you are moving out, you should plan to be out by the late afternoon. If you are moving in, you should not plan to start moving in before 5:00 p.m. No matter what happens, you must not start moving in until we advise you that your transaction has been completed. A seller is entitled until 6:00 p.m. to vacate the premises, notwithstanding keys have been released earlier on in the day. Please note that we cannot guarantee a specific closing time and urge you to make flexible plans for moving.


We will give you a call when your deal closes. If you are selling your home and getting money back, we will let you know that your money is available. If you are buying a home, we will let you know that you can pick up your key. If you are buying a home from a builder, you will usually pick up the key at the builder’s office. If you are buying a resale home, you will usually pick up the key at our office. If your new home is out of town, we can often arrange for the seller’s lawyer to keep the key and for you to pick up your key from the seller’s lawyer’s office.

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